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Our Consultancy Services

Data centre transformation consulting

“Tier level assessment & analysis or better to call 'Tier Gap Analysis', business should be resilient of many 'unknowns', to overcome we should transform. Two fundamental bottom line of Data center business would be to manage 'Data Center Operations Management' along with IT and non-IT aspects of DC - M.E.P. covering Power, Cooling, Telecom and can be extended to Compute, Network, Storage. (IT Infrastructure assessment) Our model guides the shortfalls, gaps and share leading practices for future growth & business demands. If we don't act on time OPEX and CAPEX would be unmanageable, as today IT infrastructures, servers and storages are packed with components which required more power (TDP), which add to power cost and Heat(in BTU) generated. 'HEAT' which is growing from 'arithmetic progression-to-geometric progression (AGP)' which is making most of our client think dynamic approach to 'system acquisition and operations'.

Our Consultancy Services

Docker/Containers, K8, LXD

Today growth of the SMB container management market will be influenced by the growth of the new application development, application modernization efforts, and these efforts are leveraging containers to enable agility and speed of application deployment pipelines. Container/Docker/LXD(Linux) adoption will increase at a unprecedented pace since last few years, and the key is 'Performance'.Performance plays the key role for sensitive stateful workloads on production deployment/environment, whether you have sensitive telecom applications, business and finance systems, performance requirements are high. Containers must demonstrate reliable and efficient performance to handle these workloads effectively. Ensuring optimal performance involves careful resource allocation, monitoring, and tuning. By meeting performance expectations, containers can gain trust and become increasingly adopted for running critical and sensitive workloads.

Our Consultancy Services


Kubernetes automates operational tasks of container management and includes built-in commands for deploying applications, rolling out changes to your applications, scaling your applications up and down to fit changing needs, monitoring your applications, and more—making it easier to manage applications.
Some parameters related to kuberneetes are mentioned below : -

30% executives reported having three to five k8s deployments
38% organizations have multi site clusters
Almost 15% organization had clusters ranging between 11 and 25
4% organization deployed more than 25 clusters
35% organization deploying application servers with kuberneetes
44% plans deploy microservices this year, while 36% said they have microservices deploy already

Our Consultancy Services

Professional data recovery

Save your data save your world! Yes, this is our slogan. Today meaningful data means high expectancy of business and job to be live, ticking and growing. If you haven't thought of this today and experiencing any kindly of data loss across your secondary storage devices - call us now!Hard-disks are electromechanical component which has high wear and tear and data can be lost without even you knowing, so preventive action would be required and we can help.
Also with recovery of lost data our team can identify whether the data has actually been lost or if lost we can recover or not.
- We need to visit your facility based on pre arranged time slots.
- Would do a primly review of the device.
- Will describe the acceptable process in order to recovering the data.
- Can also provide other alternative including (not limited to) cloud backup.

Our Consultancy Services

Data protection Technologies and GDPR compliance

 Data breach, identity theft, loss of customer trust- these are the threats to organizations of all sizes, in all sectors. With organizations adopting emerging technologies for digital transformation, there is unprecedented attention to privacy in the digital era as a result of increasing privacy risk exposure. Increased digitalization must be accompanied by a strong and robust data security regime.
GDPR lays out responsibilities for organisations to ensure the privacy and protection of personal data, provides data subjects with certain rights, and assigns powers to regulators to ask for demonstrations of accountability or even impose fines in cases where an organisation is not complying with GDPR requirements. India is also bracing towards having its own version. For the same, we conduct a through step by step study across your People, Process, Technology, Business, IT compliance and more - pertaining 'Data protection, Privacy Engineering, Privacy by Design', and how they changes the way organisations should collect and process the data.

Working Hours

  • Mon – Fri 9:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Saturday 10.00 – 2:00 pm
  • Sunday closed

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Data protection DLP MDM NW

Data protection technologies that organizations will spend more on during the next 12-18 months to specifically the address the GDPR

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